Friday 14 March 2014

Lady Gaga SXSW 2014

Lady Gaga performed last night at South by Southwest 2014 and boy did she leave her mark all over that stage. Literally.

Long after the 1 hour-ish performance had finished I was still pondering about what I had just witnessed. To me, the whole thing was uncomfortable to watch. I love her don't get me wrong, but something just seemed off about the whole thing.

Opening her show with Aura while mounted upon a rotisserie was nothing out of the ordinary. Swooping over & under she sounded great as she usually does live. Her next 2 numbers, MANiCURE & Jewels N' Drugs, were much of the same but off the spit roast which was probably a relief for her back. Then shit got weird.

For one of her most rave-like songs Swine, Gaga introduced the audience to her friend Millie who she said was going to perform to us all. With Lady G donning an apron I was quite intrigued with what was about to happen. One verse in and nothing was going on. Millie was drinking and stumbling around the stage and I looked on perplexed. Then it happened. Millie finished her drink, put her fingers down her throat and vommed up the neon green liquid she had been drinking all over Gaga. I had no words. I didn't want to watch but I couldn't stop. For verse 2 they both mounted a mechanical swine as Millie downed another drink, a black one this time, and once again spewed it up. Thankfully the song ended shortly after and Millie got the boat both to my joy and to that of the audience as they didn't give her much of a cheer when she left.

Dope followed suit and once again Gaga belted out her emotional lyrics but not before she gave a speech about addiction and life. Unnecessary but sure look, this is it. Gaga loves a good spiel.

To change the pace and blend in a bit more with the Austin aesthetic, a country mix of Bad Romance was up next and to me it was a hot mess. The fiddle, which was performed by an Austin native named Ruby, just did not seem to mesh with the rest of the instruments and the whole thing sounded off; vocally and rhythmically. Gaga moved around the stage wide eyed and mouth churning. She must have popped a few blue ghosts beforehand.

Semi Precious Weapons and Lady Starlight, the 'original bad kids from the Lower East Side' joined herself on stage for an impromptu rendition of Monster for Life and honestly by this stage I didn't have a clue what was going on. Everyone looked awkward, puffing cigarettes and drinking cans. When panning the audience the camera picked up people few and far between who actually looked as though they were enjoying themselves.

Applause closed off the set but only because she was 'told' to sing it apparently. That's a great indication of how things are between herself and her team! The song was half-arsed and almost insulting to the audience with the lack of interest Gaga had in performing it while bumming cigarettes of her friends, a far cry from her MTV VMA performance of the same song only last year.

Surprisingly, Gypsy was the encore but apart from the Little Monsters who were crammed up against the barrier, I don't think the audience cared much.

The whole thing was just odd. There was a fluid grunge theme throughout and that would be good if that's who Lady Gaga was but it isn't. Or at least I didn't think it was. I'm all for artists evolving. I love the new Miley Cyrus and I am 100% behind her evolution. But this seems different. Slowly but surely Gaga's image has gotten darker and darker over the years however her music hasn't. If grunge is who she truly is then why wasn't ARTPOP that kind of record? This would have been the perfect opportunity to re-brand herself especially as she was out of the music scene for a good while. Come back with a bang and a new lease of life.

Throughout her set she blasted record labels, spoke against pop music and people who are living their lives through technology. Perhaps I'm just not artsy enough to appreciate it all. I liked her most during her Fame Monster era. Knowing her audience, dancing high-octane dance routines and singing pop music. I'm not saying I don't like her anymore, I do! I'm going to see her in October for The artRAVE Ball. I just feel as though she's lost. Her image and her musicality are completely disjointed.

I just hope she gets back to her old self again soon. Somewhere she's happy and comfortable to be and somewhere we're comfortable to watch her.

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