Wednesday 14 January 2015

New Venture - Food Blogging

Happy New Year everybody! While I always say I'm going to do new segments on my blog, I always start one and never follow it through, this is evident with my 4 Play Friday which I only did once. I'm terrible I know. However I really want to stick with something and hopefully this is it.

From now on, I'm going to write about restaurants & establishments I've dined at. I know it's done to death but dining out is something I really really enjoy and love doing. My boyfriend and I love going to new places and try not go back to the same place more than once. I do have exceptions, such as Trocadero and Musashi. The food in both is to die for.  If I'm being honest it was my boyfriend who suggested writing about our dining experiences so thanks Sean!

Since we started going out in 2013 I've kept a list of all the places that we've eaten at, there are currently 34 places on the list. That's not too bad if I do say so myself. And I don't include McDonald's or any fast food joint on the list. I'm talking about proper dining establishment and cafés. It only includes places here in Dublin and not abroad which is something I do regret as we've been to some great restaurants in places such as; New York, Rome, Tel Aviv and Milan, but at the time it completely slipped my mind to keep records. From now on I'll include any place at home or overseas.

Anyway, this is my new venture and I am really looking forward to taking it up. It may be once a week, it may be once every two months, whenever we have the money to go out. I've put up the list of all the places we've gone to so far. If I can remember what we ate where I'll write about it (it's not likely) otherwise the fun starts now.

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