Tuesday 19 February 2013

Ru Paul's Slag Race

The latest season of Ru Paul's Drag Race is well & truly underway. Even though it's now on season 5, this is my first time following the competition & I'm actually loving it so far. Not so much the final 15/20 minutes of each episode where the partake in the runway but the absolute BITCHINESS that happens before. These 'Queens' are far from royal.

So far the biggest drama is the situation surrounding Alyssa Edwards & Coco Montrese who are ex-bff's and pretty much just just throw 'shade' at each other whenever the opportunity arises. In the latest episode, episode 4, they seem to be building bridges and all I can say is 'NO!!'. I do not want no bridges being built! I love the bickering and backstabbing. It makes great viewing and being frank without their dismal relationship there isn't much other scandal. The only two other contestants that people had issues with have already left the competition so we need this.

There are a lot of other big personalities; Roxxxy Andrews, Alaska, Detox to name but a few. My personal favourite so far is Ivy Winters. Love her as both a man & a woman, I think she rocks it. So far however I think Detox is the front-runner. She just has something special that reminds me of Veda Beaux Reeves from Dublin, in both terms of appearance and attitude.

The funniest part of the whole show has to be the 'Lip Sync For Your Life' at the end. There are no words, I'll just let you watch and see for yourselves.

Anyway, just thought I'd give my quick opinion on Logo TV's hit show.


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