Tuesday 19 February 2013

Something New

As my favourite hunz, Girls Aloud, sing in their comeback hit, 'All I Want Is Something New', and this is exactly what I want!

So I have thrown out the old and I'm starting with the new. My old blog, as dismal as it was, was about my life and writing personal day - to - day accounts, which to be honest was boring for me. So, I am now gonna write about current events, celebrities, events, reviews and still have personal posts thrown in but just not as detailed or as a polite way to put it, shit.
In short I will just post about whatever grabs my attention like Taylor Swift's 47th boyfriend of 2013 or the results of my most recent STI test, which were all clear thanks folks.

Until my next post I will leave you with what I started with, the amazing Girls Aloud's 'Something New'. Just admire their fierce poses and puff dresses that would look hideous on anyone else.

Gone to practise my strut, Adios!

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